lørdag den 16. oktober 2010

Fall has come

Perfect day for these : New Balance 1300 JP's.

fredag den 1. oktober 2010

n + N

There isn't many sneakers out there which i regret having passed on but the 670NTU was one of the few that missed in my collection, so I'm so very satisfied to finally own a pair! The Navy suede and mesh is tasty and the mint green adds some great flavour. Trust me i could actually take a bite of them ;-) The mint green is inspired by the Oxidized copper roofs which is to be found on many buildings in copenhagen: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_gbqdsjfsyoU/SmTkWjqEiCI/AAAAAAAACtM/l7a6Nz4_u6s/kbh+170903+020.jpg
Hope you enjoy the session!